Congratulations to former Deer Valley Student (Class of 07) Taiwan Jones for being drafted by the Oakland Raiders earlier today. He was picked in the 4th round as the 125th pick overall in the draft.
The Rave Theatre at Streets of Brentwood is now showing movies in IMax. Rave is the only theatre in East County with this capability. This will be a perfect time to view many of the great movies coming out this summer.
Tomorrow is the 2nd Annual Keep Antioch Beautiful Day. Last years event was a success and had over 900 people participate. If you would like to get involved in tomorrow's event you can go here:
Looking for a great deal on golf? Roddy Ranch is on Groupon until Midnight offering a 2 person deal for $55 with cart. All you have to do is choose San Francisco>East Bay on the site and the great deal will pop up.
2nd Annual Keep Antioch Beautiful Day Citywide Clean Up! Saturday, April 23, 2011
8:30 AM – 11:00 AM Volunteers will be treated to free parking and free lunch from 11:30 to 1 PM at Contra Loma ReservoirRegional Park
The program Every 15 Minutes will be running at Deer Valley High the next 2 days. Every 15 minutes is a real-life renactment of a drunk driving scene that shows young kids the consequences of drinking and driving. It is a powerful program that will change outlooks on life.
AntiWood is now advertising on the If you're a newcomer be sure to take a look around to see what AntiWood is all about. We are an organization focused on creating the future...not taking back the past.